13 January 2010

A first attempt at blogging...

I've never blogged before. I don't facebook, twitter, or myspace, and thus far, I am not even linked in. I'm not opposed to these things, I have just never had nor taken the time for these. I have read a few blogs, it is amazing what is out there.

So, why attempt a blog?
Since being diagnosed with cancer, I have been blessed with a variety of well-wishes and questions. I've also read about how journaling may be helpful for patients. I've never tried it, but this would seem to serve both purposes.

What will you get here?
I honestly have no idea. Updates on my progress, obviously. Probably a lot of random thoughts as well. It is very easy for me to wander off into a variety of topics, but I will attempt to keep that to a minimum. I am hoping to focus on my fight with Hodgkin's Lymphoma, but consider this forewarning. Over the next few days, I'm hoping to describe how I got to this point.

1 comment:

  1. Josh,
    You are still sarcastic as hell! Nice blog!

