19 January 2010

Definitely off today

I wasn't sure if I'd be able to work today or not. 
I told Sarah to wake me up when she got up for work, and I'd make a "gametime" decision.  When I finally woke up, I noticed it was about 8:40am.   So much for that.    She had called in for me.

Backing up, I didn't sleep great again, and I have no idea why.   Meds?   I did take a percocet somewhere around midnight (I think?) so that should've done the trick, but around 1am (?) I became very activated.  I was tempted to go downstairs for a little Wii action, but thought better of it.   Sarah didn't give me the choice - I needed the day off.

Truthfully, I was exhausted all morning.  I drank a blueberry and peanut butter smoothie and had some water.   I took my Emend and some compazine, tylenol, and zyrtec.   I'm not really sure where the morning went.  I ate a bagel for lunch and had a shake too.   I watched the second half of Bull Durham and some other TV and beyond that, I'm honestly not sure where the day went.  I felt too tired to walk the dogs with Sarah. 

Tonight will be more of the same.  Probably some oddball bland meal and maybe some more TV.  Hopefully I can get to sleep early tonight and get to work and catch-up tomorrow.

Edit:  what a boring post.  I realized this later and apologize.   I left no links or pictures or anything.  Well, some days are probably going to be like that.  Today won't, however.   

For those who didn't know, Sarah and I got a new boxer puppy about 2 months back.  Lucy is a handful, but she is really cute and brings a lot of laughs.  Much like Winnie was, she is a relative angel to me, and something of a terror for Sarah.   I have no idea why.   In any case, here is one of our newer pictures of her with Cookie (Cookie is the Schnauzer).

Lucy's first day of obedience school is tomorrow.  Fingers crossed.


  1. It wasn't boring. I have to show Lana the picture of the dogs. She will be sad to hear Winnie is no longer with us. I thought something happened to her when there was a new name on your Christmas card.
    Hang in there, don't push yourself too hard. Work can wait!

    Sara Novogoratz
    Scott and his son fly out to ski and board this Friday and are there until Tuesday

  2. I've read everything thus far. Nothing boring at all. As far as movies go, consider renting on itunes so you can smack it on your iphone to watch very conveniently. Consider getting some fancy Bose Headphones while you're getting infusions. They literally tune out the rest of the world, and the sound quality is unmatched. If you're doing saltines for nausea, consider getting some oyster crackers...they are the "Skittles" of crackers. So you can pop them to your heart's content. Also, for peanut butter on your bread...ask if you can do honey with it as well...I love that combo....

    I'm thinking about you a lot man, stay frosty.


  4. Hey Josh,

    I hope you feel better today. I love the blog idea -- great way to keep a lot of people up to date on your progress.

    I sent a PM to Pete and Jeff yesterday. Pete got back to me immediately and said the following very kind words: "I would never attempt to qualify human life based purely upon the contributions an individual made to their people...However, Josh is a huge positive contributor to everyone who knows him..."

    I couldn't agree more.

    Then he invited me over for beers and BB guns at dusk. Same old Pete!

    Lucy is really a cutie, man. Can't wait to meet her next weekend.


  5. Hey Josh,

    Great idea to blog - it'll be nice for us to keep up with you from a distance while not worrying about bothering you while you're getting rest.

    I looked at your profile and didn't see Mystery Alaska posted under favorite movies - what the junk man? I'll excuse the oversight :)

    Looks like the country is headed back in the right direction - one less thing for you to worry about now.

    I would suggest DVRing the NFC Championship game on Sunday so you can watch Favre over and over again on his way to the Super Bowl. I would also suggest DVRing the Super Bowl so you can watch Favre over and over running around like a little boy as he puts another ring on his finger. So what if he's wearing purple...he's still fun to watch.

    Good luck buddy! We're still on for a game at Lambeau this fall. Who knows - maybe Brett will be back in green and gold by then???


    p.s. I don't have a blog account so this might show up under Joylyn's name - I also haven't tweeted, twittered, facebooked, or anything else that's new since about 2002.
