28 March 2010

An all purpose update

First off, I apologize to everyone that I have not posted in so long.   I am OK and doing well and alive!  Sadly, I've just been very busy at work.  There is some obvious upside to this.  I still have a few projects going, but finishing a few makes them go easier.

Last week (3/14 - 3/20), my chemotherapy hit me harder than usual.  I was extremely tired and I slept through most of the chemo session awaking pretty much only to eat and go to the bathroom.  Honestly, sleep isn't a bad way to waste a half day at the cancer infusion center.  I usually bring a bunch of reading, viewing, and listening materials, but sleep is great too.   Beyond that, I came home twice that week after work and just went to bed immediately, getting up only for a couple of hours to eat and watch some TV before going back to bed.  This wasn't bad either.  I'm feeling OK at work, just exhausted by the time I get home.  I'd also say that my side effects have lessened over time, with the one exception being fatigue.

However, my "off" week (3/21 through today) has been great!  In fact, during my "off weeks," I'd go so far as to say I feel pretty normal.  I feel far, far better than I felt all last fall.  I had a bunch of energy to do things, however, due to my port-a-cath placement instructions, I couldn't really ride on the trainer or work out in anyway.  In fact, they even called and reminded me nothing but simple walking.  That ended as of this weekend and so both days I was on the trainer and on Saturday I lifted some weights as well and even did some sit-ups.  Since chemo is late tomorrow, I may get in another quick workout as well.

ONE FUN THING UPDATE:  Some have pointed out that I haven't written about "One Fun Thing" in a while.  I have not given up on this belief at all, in fact, I've had some of the most fun "One Fun Things" lately.   So, I apologize for being too busy to write.   Sometimes "One Fun Thing" is simple:  Sarah and I have watched a ton of past "Dexter" episodes.  We've gone to favorite restaurants.  We've watched a few movies.  

Even better is dining with friends, which we've also done several times over the past few weeks.  Sarah and I owe a huge Thank You to many of our friends for their generosity, hospitality, and delicious food.     Both last weekend and last night were great examples of this.  Last night even combined two "One Fun Things" as we had a great dinner as well as some team effort at Wii "Rockband" and "Rockband: Beatles" which was, obviously, a lot of big laughs.   

Absolutely we appreciate everyone thinking about us like this.  We definitely appreciate all the thoughts, calls, cards, emails, etc.  The support gives us a tremendous amount of strength.

I'm also finishing up an epic "One Fun Thing" I'll write about soon...

Lucy Update:  Lucy is doing well.  She is still having the occasional accident in the house and is therefore still confined to our kitchen and family room.  Hopefully she will figure this out soon.  In the meantime, she has also been kept separate from Cookie because a week ago, her spay site opened which necessitated Sarah making a Friday evening visit to the vet, and they suggested keeping her from rough-housing with Cookie as well as from jumping on all furniture, and so our couches had massive rubbermaid tubs on them so that she could not jump up.

Chemo Update:  For those counting, tomorrow will be session 6 of 12 (or 3 of 6 cycles).  I wouldn't say tomorrow is the half-way point, but after Thursday, I'll be happy enough to agree with that.  My port site still looks great, and I consider this a huge blessing.  

1 comment:

  1. Josh, thx for the update. Sounds like a good week! It's cool that you're getting back on the trainer. 6/12 treatments will be a huge milestone. I'm sending good energy your way and hope that this next week isn't too hard on you. You're getting there, bro!
