23 January 2010

Thursday and Friday

Thursday and Friday were good days, but not great ones.  I did manage to work both days.  I had nausea for both days, although by the evenings of each day, it was mostly subsided.   By now, I'm impressed with the level of fatigue that I have during the day.   It is unclear whether it is from poor sleep at night, the disease itself, or the compazine.   By Thursday mid-day I'd given up the compazine.   That evening I was really hungry, and craved Ali Baba gyros and hummus.  Sarah was gracious enough to get it for me, and she had a chicken kabob herself.  I couldn't finish my gyro, but what I really wanted was the hummus for some reason.

By Friday, I could no longer tell nausea from hunger.  I can't explain that, but it is just a vague sort of stomach pain.  When I have it now, I try to eat a little something to see.  Lately it has been hunger.  By lunch on Friday, I was needing a Q-doba queso burrito.  What was odd about this craving was that I'd never had one before.  It was everything that I'd hoped it would be at some ~1100 calories, and by the time I was done, I was ready for another (but thought better and didn't).

My two complaints for right now are mucositis and not thinking as clearly as usual.  In truth, I have no mouth sores yet, so any mucositis is mild so far.   It basically feels like a burning sensation on the sides and back of my tongue.  One positive to this is that it really helped me hit my targets on fluid intake.  Milk seems to cool things off for longer than water and ice.   I also had a Mr. Freeze pop last night too.  Still seeking my perfect solution for candy to suck on, although the suggestions I've gotten so far have been OK.   At work I really enjoy Atomic Warheads and Sour Patch Kids, although I imagine that eating those are over for now as well.

The other weird thing is how much (more) of a space cadet I've become.  Classic example yesterday was a call from another department looking for an antibiotic, but seeking to use one we do not promote at my company.   What typically would've been a knee-jerk reaction for me to the choice we ultimately came to probably took 4 minutes of debate.  Once we reached the answer, I was shocked it wasn't knee-jerk anymore.   Perhaps I was just tired, but I've definitely spaced out more this week.  I don't have a picture of me as a space cadet, but I do have the following for your enjoyment.   It is a picture you get from "Spaceship Earth" at EPCOT.  Sarah and I were there in October, and so you can see what they imagined our future might look like.   


  1. Hey JOsh,
    For the mouth sores mix 1/2 tsp benadryl with 1/2 tsp maalox. Swish ans spit or swallow. Suprisingly it numbs the mouth a little. I use it when I get canker sores and we used it on Dylan when he had hand foot and mouth syndrome. It's basically magic mouth wash minus the lidocaine.

    It also helps to not use alcohol based mouthwash. If you need to do mouthwash, use Biotene, it has no alcohol and is good for dry mouth (esp from chemo). Also try getting 8 oz water and mix 1 tbsp baking soda and do swishes 4-6x per day. It will keep your mouth clean (esp while you have mucositis) and potentially prevent thrush.

    Keep up the blog. It is nice to see you are trying to keep life as normal as you can. Tell Sarah hello.

  2. I love the picture! I just sent you an article on mucositis treatment updates.

  3. Love the picture...have one also fromj our times at Epcot! Your Mom and I did a pic the time the four of us went..hope you got to see it...always good for a smile to see us oldies enjoying ourselves! Enjoying your blog....hang in there, hugs to you both...Carla and Jim

  4. Dude Sour Patch Kids give everyone mouth sores. They coat them in some kind of addictive, yummy broken glass.
